Full Moon in Libra - Self Care is an Essential Luxury

Full Moon in Libra - Self Care is an Essential Luxury


Lovely Libra, ruled by Venus the Goddess of Love and Beauty is THE sign for self care and sacred rituals.  As well as bringing us lessons of self love, Libra is also the sign for finding balance, seeking justice, taking care of our environment (immediate and global) and nurturing our relationships (with self, with others and the human race as a collective).

Today's Full Moon is in Libra is exact at 4:08pm (Sydney, Australia time). 

Full Moons often stir things up a bit, making us a bit emotional, feeling more vulnerable or sensitive than usual.  So make some self care and nurturing a priority over the next 48 hours.  Long baths, massages, facials or dinner with a loved one will refill your cup.  Reenergise your living space for the change in season by decorating your home with bunches of flowers or pot plants, soft throws and cozy cushions and put your crystals out to soak up the moon's light.

With a focus on balance and harmony, Libra invites you to evaluate how you might integrate more of these into your life.  The current cosmic energies will support compassionate journalling and reflection on the relationships in your life, including the relationship you have with yourself.  Through a lens of acceptance, understanding and love know that in order to be the best version of yourself for others, you must make time to find balance and harmony for yourself first.

Call on the Goddess Venus to help you to release feelings of unworthiness and learn to love and accept yourself as you are.  Anoint your heart space with rose quartz infused Rose Radiance Facial Nectar (or try a drop of Rose or Geranium essential oils).  As you rub the oil into your chest visualise your heart space unfolding like a pink rose.  Let the glow of pink from your heart spread over your whole body, focusing on areas that need love (perhaps those parts of yourself you wish were different).  Remind yourself that your body is a sacred vessel housing your beautiful soul.  You are deserving of devotion and worthy of worship.  

My personal priority this Full Moon will be to look at where I am pouring my time and how I can balance the scales so more tips in favour of fun, outdoor activities (getting into that fresh Autumn air!) and mindfulness. I know I'm a better mum, wife and friend when I'm taking care of myself.  In fact my inspiration behind creating Alyssum Alchemy was to create opportunities for ritual, self care and mindfulness.  

Make a commitment to yourself this Full Moon to allow time for more self care rituals.  I invite you to create your own full moon ritual that nurtures your body mind and soul.  Make it something decadent, fragrant, delicious and luxurious.   Drape yourself in laces and silk, mist your body with high vibrational aromatherapy treats, plunge yourself into the watery depths of a restorative bath, nibble on delicious wholesome treats, embrace the loves of your life, embark on an adventure under the moon.... and HAVE FUN! 

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