Sacred Soul Sessions - Natalie Sellars from Kinder Life

Sacred Soul Sessions - Natalie Sellars from Kinder Life

Kindred Toxin Free founder (recently renamed to Kinder Life), Natalie Sellars has built a loyal following of clients and skincare devotees through her own dedication to and passion for effective natural skincare and wholistic skin health. Over the past 16 years Natalie has worked and managed leading spas in Australia and New Zealand and for the last three years has been committed to creating and sharing a salon experience entirely toxin-free, while promoting her ethos of kind beauty through her bespoke facial rituals.  

Natalie from Kindred Toxin Free Facials

How long have you been practising as a therapist? 

I started in the industry when I was 17, and became a qualified therapist at 19, so that's 20 + years ( how quickly time flys!) 

What was it about the industry that first attracted you?

I LOVED touching people, I would massage my sisters, stroke my mothers friends hair. I enjoyed making people feel incredible and knew my hands were helping people to do that. I had started out studying social work, but after 6 months, I quit and enrolled into beauty. 


How has the industry changed since you first began this journey? 

So much. Originally there was really only space for your traditional beauty therapists ( waxing, brows, pedicures) and only a select few brands that ruled the show.  In the last 10 years, we have seen that shift with people specialising in each area ( ie myself as a facilaist ) and becoming experts in their craft. Holistic beauty has become more well known, as we become more educated on treating a persons 'whole' self, and the organic products and the science behind them...well, as you know, they are getting better results for our clients than ever before. 


How long have you been running your own business?   

I left traditional beauty in 2013, and slowly built my business. I started with $1000 and a spare room, I created Kindred toxin free 2 years later ( It took me that long to really become toxin free in all areas of my life and it's an ongoing process) It's a business that evolves each year, she has a soul of her own, and now I just follow. 


Why do you choose to only use and support support ethical, transparent and conscious brands? 

For me, understanding how/why/where a product is created and the intention behind is very important. When you come and see me, you are not only feeding into a cycle that helps me support my family, and support my staff, it also gives to the creators of the products I use. It's this beautiful circle that keeps us all connected,  creating more , and supporting each other. 


What makes your treatments services unique? 

We add in ceremony! Using smudging, meditations , crystals and tuning into the clients needs  and our own intution is what makes our facial rituals so unique. I created each ritual myself, combing everything that I love.  I also am not tied to one brand, I hand pick from all different brands, and use exactly what suits your skins needs. 


You were originally a sole practitioner now you have two staff.   As your business and your role within in evolves through this unfolding of growth what has been your biggest lesson or take away or what has supported you the most as you navigate new territory? 
I have had to learn to trust in my own energy and intution. I had HUGE blocks based on my old way of being/allowing myself to be treated. Having evolved myself, means that I create a workplace and enviromnets that I LOVE, and I have attracted TWO skin angels, Hannah joined us 2 weeks ago. That TRUST in myself, allowing the right people to come and help me has been the biggest lesson.
You have another wonderful offering via the Kind Beauty Movement which offers natural beauty masterclasses which you host with Monique Peters from The Beauty Journal.   How does your role in the Kind Beauty Movement differ from your role at Kindred? 
This is more of an interactrive how to /what to , and an education on what is right for your skin type. We hold a full day event, and everyone gives them self a facial, and then does their own make up, with all of our products.  Empowreing people to do it all themselves, understanding what will work for them every day. 
Tell us about your 'kindness' philosophy which is woven into both of your businesses.  

KIND Beauty is the ethos at KINDRED TOXIN FREE face and body. 

    • KIND to yourself by allowing yourself the space to re connect and be taken care of.
    • KIND to the environment, using Eco friendly, chemical free products that are good for your skin and the environment.
    • KIND to Animals, no animal testing, and Vegan facial options ( honey/no honey)
    • KIND to and inclusive of others. We are a safe and nurturing space for PEOPLE of all ages, cultural backgrounds, gender and gender expressions. Both in the salon, and at all of our community events.  Giving back is very important and part of KINDRED. $1 from every organic and toxin free facial is donated to help Joining Hands (a Brisbane based charity) give back to Brisbane's homeless and vulnerable youth. 

What is your favourite self care ritual (in your own personal life)?

BATHING , and floating. That time to myself is essential. 

Why do you think self care is so important? 

For me, I see it as a responsibity and a duty to my clients, and to the people around me. To show up as my best me ( even when, and yes it does, Life get's crazy, to have your self care as a priority is a must!) They are coming, giving of themselves to me ( in the form of their hard earned money) and I want to be able to give from a place that is grounded, nurturing and calm. When I take care of myself and put myself first, this is effortless...  


What does the word 'sacred' mean to you? 

For me, it's tapping into the divine, to ground in and to trust in whatever is given to me, to practice from a place of love and intuition.  I love ceremony and incorporate it into my everyday ( at home and at work) for this reason. 

What is your favourite Alyssum Alchemy product and why?

I LOVE them all, can I have two ? The Rose Radiance Face Mist ( because reiki and roses!) and Sacred Sunlight Body Mist. I adore Sacred Sunlight, it was my first gift to Lily as a part of something very special to me, and recently created a facial around it ( using citrine) to share with our spring reset group. 


What's next for Kindred Toxin Free Facials and the Kind Beauty Movement?  

They have souls of their own, who knows... so long as I tune in and stay true to our message anything is possible. 

You can find out more about the divine facial rituals offered by Natalie and her skin angels at or find her on instagram via @kindred.toxinfreefacials or @kindbeautymovement
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