Winter is an invitation to snuggle up indoors, indulge in grounding and comforting foods, lavish your skin with scrubs, soaks and oils and spend quality time alone or connecting with loved ones.

Thursday's Full Moon in particular would be well spent bunkering down, spending quality quiet time in solitude to allow the cosmic shifts to take effect without too much drama. Exact at 2:53pm tomorrow (June 28, Sydney time) the full moon in Capricorn invites us to identify, cleanse and banish engrained energy patterns which may be limiting us, while the moon's alignment with Saturn this month prompts us to take personal responsibility for that which we must change in our lives.
Take a moment tomorrow night to connect with your soul self, asking how you can best embody your own personal power in order to steer your ship the way YOU want it go. Now is the time to release ingrained family patterns deep within your bones and rid yourself of bad habits so you can pursue your goals with clarity and determination.
One of the best ways to support yourself during any deep healing or clearing work is to take time out for self care rituals. Our bodies are quietly whispering to us to retreat and rest more when it is cold, our bones feel heavy and dense. So why not listen to that call and create some lovely night time rituals to soak up some extra rest this season.
Restore your energy levels and indulge in some essential self care with these Night Time Winter Rituals
- Try a gentle yin yoga sequence in the evenings to gently stretch your tired achy bones and to add prana and vitality to your body. Gentle twists, grounding poses and a few sun salutes will get the blood pumping to your cold extremities and boost your metabolism. End with 5-10 minutes of breathing exercises or meditation to seal in the practise.
- Vaporise relaxing essential, try your own combination of some of the following: lavender, sweet orange, roman chamomile, geranium, sandalwood, patchouli and vetiver.
- Nourish your skin with lavish and replenishing oils to restore elasticity and suppleness. Rose Radiance Facial Nectar is incredibly nourishing for all skin types and delivers a multitude of vitamins and anti oxidants to thirsty skin (plus receive a free rose quartz guasha with every purchase of Rose Radiance Facial Nectar until the end of June).
- Buy some lovely soft organic cotton or flannelette pyjamas to keep cozy.
- Create a haven in your home and bedroom with soft throws, warm slippers and minimal clutter.
- Sip organic herbal teas about an hour before bed to nourish your nervous system and calm your mind. Try any of the following herbs: lemon balm, skullcap, chamomile, lavender or passionflower. Warm teas also stimulate our digestive system allowing us to better digest the heavier meals we gravitate towards in the colder months.
- Spritz your bed linen, pjs and yourself with a calming aromathrapy mist such as Sacred Stardust Dream Mist for ultimate self care bed time therapy.
Sweet Dreams
With Love