Astrological Articles

Self Love with Sacred Rituals - Taurus Full Moo...
Taurus is ruled by the goddess Venus who rules the heart, beauty and emotions and manifestation. Taurus also reminds us to look at our own self worth and feelings of security. It...
Self Love with Sacred Rituals - Taurus Full Moo...
Taurus is ruled by the goddess Venus who rules the heart, beauty and emotions and manifestation. Taurus also reminds us to look at our own self worth and feelings of security. It...

Spring into Action - Aries Full Moon Ritual and...
I’ve often felt my fire energy could do with some fuel, it kinda smoulders and smokes (I’m more of a watery, earthy kind of gal). But there are times in...
Spring into Action - Aries Full Moon Ritual and...
I’ve often felt my fire energy could do with some fuel, it kinda smoulders and smokes (I’m more of a watery, earthy kind of gal). But there are times in...

Dive Deep if you Dare - Embracing the Eclipse E...
The eclipse will peak tomorrow morning at 6:20am (AEST), and its a very good reason to get up early and greet the new day and this rare cosmic event. You may even spy...
Dive Deep if you Dare - Embracing the Eclipse E...
The eclipse will peak tomorrow morning at 6:20am (AEST), and its a very good reason to get up early and greet the new day and this rare cosmic event. You may even spy...

Winter Self Care Rituals for the Full Moon in C...
Our bodies are quietly whispering to us to retreat and rest more when it is cold, our bones feel heavy and dense. So why not listen to that call and...
Winter Self Care Rituals for the Full Moon in C...
Our bodies are quietly whispering to us to retreat and rest more when it is cold, our bones feel heavy and dense. So why not listen to that call and...

Reflect, Release and Reset on the Super Blue Lu...
January is almost over, but it's not too late to reflect on the past 12 months, release what's not working for you and reset before the Lunar New Year begins in...
Reflect, Release and Reset on the Super Blue Lu...
January is almost over, but it's not too late to reflect on the past 12 months, release what's not working for you and reset before the Lunar New Year begins in...

Elevate your communication skills this Gemini S...
Tomorrow morning (exact at 2:46am Sydney, Australia) is the one and only Super Moon for 2017, (a Full Moon positioned closer to the earth than usual), bringing with it a strong energy and...
Elevate your communication skills this Gemini S...
Tomorrow morning (exact at 2:46am Sydney, Australia) is the one and only Super Moon for 2017, (a Full Moon positioned closer to the earth than usual), bringing with it a strong energy and...

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